
12 September 2011

Visiting Lycée Michelet

 Lycée Michelet

Today I met the entire department of English at Lycée Michelet. Although I begin working in October, I thought it would be a decent idea to introduce myself a bit earlier than necessary.

Firstly, the building: the building itself is a historical building, huge with a large, green park. I feel like I am about to work inside of a chateau, a French castle! The interior is clean and sturdy. Compared to the peeling paint at the university of Nanterre (Paris X) or the complete neglect of the university of Saint-Denis (Paris VIII), Lycée Michelet is a palace!

The faculty had been expecting me to come for lunch on Tuesday, but I misunderstood and came on Monday. In the end, it was not a problem. I sat with the instructors while they ate their lunches. Most of them bring bagged lunches, because they detest the cafeteria food here. We talked about what I would be expected to do, my university studies, class sizes and even current popular movies. We spoke more French than English, but I heard Australian, English and American accents quite evenly distributed among the nine instructors.

Not too much more to add to the story. I stayed for perhaps an hour and a half, promised to give them my university schedule as soon as possible and wished them a good day.

Now, I'm off to finish my day with the preparation of my first attempt at a beuf bourguignon. I hope Anthénaume enjoys it!

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