
14 September 2011

Emplois du temps 1° semestre

University of Paris Diderot, Paris 7

The Université Paris Diderot has finally issued my student course schedule... five days before my classes begin. In the US, I would have known five months ago what courses would be offered; in France, despite the fact that there is almost no choice in the courses that you are going to take under a specific academic track, making it easy for the administration know exactly what courses are going to be taught, this is a normal administrative delay.

My courses are exactly as outlined in the tronc commun aux trois parcours (the trois parcours being the specializations, mine of which is conception de documentation):

  1. Rédaction de documents techniques
  2. Langues IL: initiation aux outils de constitution et d'exploitation de corpus
  3. Conception de documents
  4. Outils IL-HTML
  5. Traduction scientifique et technique
  6. Traduction économique
  7. Introduction à la linguistique de corpus
  8. Terminologie appliquée
  9. Méthodologie...
  10. Corpus appliqué...
I am very excited and nervous about starting on the path to completing a degree in France. I worry that my job can be rather flexible with regard to my course schedule, but I still have to send my coordinator my obligations. It will definitely be complicated to work and study in France; I will definitely stress a lot, but it will be worth it in the long-run. At least I can count on Anthénaume for emotional support!

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