
16 September 2011

Réunion d'information pour le Master 1

Halle aux Farines at Paris 7
Yesterday was the meeting for all of the Master students in my degree program. It took place in the Halle aux Farines and was almost a waste of time.

It was nice to see who some of my professors will be, who the secretary is and who my fellow classmates are, but almost all of the information that we listened to was information that we could have easily found on the website. In fact, all of the information that they gave us was the information I used to select this particular Master's degree program in the first place; it's what sets this degree apart from the numerous other universities in Paris that offer an applied languages degree. (At Paris 7, they focus on technical writing and translation as opposed to marketing and translation like the majority of other schools in France.)

Regardless, the school year is beginning. I am newly nervous that my teaching schedule will conflict with my school schedule, but, as Anthénaume has assured me, we can only wait to find out. My teaching schedule should be set by the end of today!

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